IEC Prefixes


In December 1998 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the leading international organization for worldwide standardization in electrotechnology, approved as an IEC International Standard names and symbols for prefixes for binary multiples for use in the fields of data processing and data transmission. The prefixes are as follows:

Specific units of IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC 80000
IEC prefix Representations Customary prefix
Name Symbol Base 2 Base 1024 Value Base 10 Name Symbol
kibi Ki 210 10241 1024  1.02×103 kilo k[1] or K
mebi Mi 220 10242 1048576  1.05×106 mega M
gibi Gi 230 10243 1073741824  1.07×109 giga G
tebi Ti 240 10244 1099511627776  1.10×1012 tera T
pebi Pi 250 10245 1125899906842624  1.13×1015 peta P
exbi Ei 260 10246 1152921504606846976  1.15×1018 exa E
zebi Zi 270 10247 1180591620717411303424  1.18×1021 zetta Z
yobi Yi 280 10248 1208925819614629174706176  1.21×1024 yotta Y

It is suggested that in English, the first syllable of the name of the binary-multiple prefix should be pronounced in the same way as the first syllable of the name of the corresponding SI prefix, and that the second syllable should be pronounced as "bee."

It is important to recognize that the new prefixes for binary multiples are not part of the International System of Units (SI), the modern metric system. However, for ease of understanding and recall, they were derived from the SI prefixes for positive powers of ten. As can be seen from the above table, the name of each new prefix is derived from the name of the corresponding SI prefix by retaining the first two letters of the name of the SI prefix and adding the letters "bi," which recalls the word "binary." Similarly, the symbol of each new prefix is derived from the symbol of the corresponding SI prefix by adding the letter "i," which again recalls the word "binary."

1For consistency with the other prefixes for binary multiples, the symbol Ki [uppercase "K"] is used for 210 rather than ki [lowercase "k"].