
What Are Glyphicons?

Glyphicons logo

GLYPHICONS® is a library of precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols, created with an emphasis to simplicity and easy orientation.

A basic set of Glyphicons are included for free in the Bootstrap library.

Currently at version 2.0 (11/8/2018).

Icons are organized into individual sets and tools.


  • Basic set
    • t’s a mixture of essential icons and symbols for everyday design work. They are designed to withstand fancy design trends and to be easily recognized worldwide even years from now. This continuously evolving pack of icons is an investment for the future, you will never regret.
  • Haflings set
    • A little brother of the Basic set, made for all smaller graphic. These little fellows are more than a smaller sibling; they are an important part of the family. They work perfectly in the lines of the text or anywhere else, where it's too tight for regular size icons.
  • Filetypes set
    • A collection of the most common file type icons. Ideal for use wherever you need to visually separate different types of files or folders. They are very versatile, because instead of containing the names of specific extensions, they are created for each file type.


  • Social tool
    • When using logos of known brands, we usually do not fully realize that they are intellectual property of their owners, which means they control when and how can their logo be displayed. This page will help you to get to the current guidelines and official resources for each brand.