
Select a Course:
CSIS 160 Information Security Systems

Course Description

This course is a survey of Network/Internet security. It will help prepare students for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. Topics will cover Authentication, Malicious Code, Web Security, Intrusion Detection, Cryptography, and Biometrics. The class will have lecture and hands-on components.

By successfully completing this course you will earn 3 units of college credit.

Table of Contents

Course Objectives

  • Analyze the role of security protocols in data networks.
  • Assess network security and propose methods for improvment.
  • Illustrate the devices and services used to support securing data networks and Internet access.
  • Evaluate fundamental security concepts such as secure sockets layer, digital certificates, digital signatures, one-way hashing, and encryption.
  • Compose a security configuration to deal with specific threats against the data communications network.
  • Analyze the type of security threats that threaten a network to determine best practices policies that need to be implemented.
  • Construct a security plan for protecting business assets like servers, data, and business rules.
  • Appraise new security devices and security protocols for applicability of implementation for specific security threats.
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 Course Learning Outcomes

  • The student will analyze a data communications security implementation strategy for protecting a company's digital assets.
  • The student will develop a data communications security implementation strategy for protecting a company's digital assets.
  • The student will assess a data communications security implementation strategy for protecting a company's digital assets.
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